Post Accident Documentation

~ 0 min
2024-04-19 23:13

Consult your legal counsel to establish your policy and procedure. Send photos and documents to your legal counsel so they may be protected by attorney-client priviledge. 

Documentation will be needed by your legal counsel. In a major accident or personal injury accident with significant exposure to your company, documents will be needed from multiple departments and sources. If a risk manager is not available, assign a project manager to coordinate and oversee the process. This will aid in a more organized and rapid response. Accident Project Managers (APM) should be trained in this role as a collateral duty. Supporting personnel providing the documentation should understand the chain of command and seriousness of the situation and know to respond accordingly. 

Documentation Checklist

Driver Statement

Arrange for your driver to give a video statement with your legal counsel as soon as possible after the accident. It must be direct between driver and counsel without third party involvement to receive attorney-client priviledge protection. This can be done using Facetime, Zoom, or other online tools in a private setting without witnesses. This accomplishes the goal of getting details while they are still fresh in the drivers mind. 2. Opens a line of communication between counsel and the driver.

Driver Documentation
  1. Qualifications
    1. Application
    2. Employment contract
    3. Driving test
    4. Written test
    5. Medical exam and cards
    6. Drug test
    7. Training record
  2. Personnel File
    1. Driving history records
    2. Payroll records
    3. Disciplinary records
    4. Prior accidents
  3. Driving Records
    1. Logs for last 6 months
    2. Trip receipts for last 6 months
    3. Personal and road expenses
Vehicle Documentation
  1. Registration and title
  2. Prood of insurance
  3. Inspection records
  4. Repair and maintenance records
  5. DOT reports/documents
  6. Photographs of vehicle
  7. Messaging
  8. Telematics - position history, speed, harsh braking, rollover, collision avoidance
  9. Dashcam - all video on the device
  10. ECM - Vehicle black box data (Download by dealer or contact authorized mobile service provider)
Trip Documentation
  1.  Bills of Lading
  2. Trip records
  3. Dispatch documentation
  4. ELD Report
  5. ECM reports or alerts
Company Safety Documents
  1. Fleet Safety Program
  2. Truck and trailer maintenance standard
  3. Driving training record
Tags: accident, documentation
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