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45 search results

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  • MyFleetistics Portal: Fleet Stats 1 Report
    Answer:  Period to be included in the report Today - Midnight to approximately the present time Previous 24 hours - Previous conscutive 24 hours from the current time Previous ...
  • MyFleetistics Portal: Fleetistics Mobile App
    Answer: The Fleetistics mobile app is a fleet toolbox of various features and services. The app can be used by an individual or connected to a ...
  • MyFleetistics Portal: Active Directory Setup (Azure and ADFS)
    Answer: Active Directory Service Fleetistics offers customers the ability to share secure user rights management (URM) access information between existing systems and the MyFleetistics portal providing a ...
  • ELD, DVIR, IFTA: ELD Driver - Getting Started
    Answer: This article is designed to assist drivers to get started using the Geotab Drive mobile app for ELD and FMCSA compliance.  You can register for ...
  • MyFleetistics Portal: How do I add a User to MyFleetistics, not just to Geotab?
    Answer: To add a user an account admin will need to email with the persons first and last name, access level (admin, supervisor, employee, none). ...
  • MyFleetView: MyFleetView Pro
    Answer: MyFleetView Pro enables customers to create custom URLs with specific vehicle data. The URLs can be controlled by the variables listed below. These URLs can ...
  • Fleetistics IoT: Data Process Service IoT API
    Answer: Data Processing Service (IoT) API   The Fleetistics DPS-API provides unified access to the information reported by any device registered in your account. Devices of all ...
  • Application: How do I reset my password?
    Answer: For password reset issues we want to check the following before attempting to resolve the issue. Is the user created in MyFleetistics and Geotab? Has the user ...
  • MyFleetistics Portal: How to add a user in MyFleetistics (employees)
    Answer: Go to: Enter your credentials and login. 2. On the left side menu click on FLT Control Panel. Click on FLT Account Admin. 3. In the ...
  • Application: Geotab Mobile Applications
    Answer: The Geotab Marketplace offers three free mobile apps from the Play Store or iTunes. Search the app stores for the apps below. You will need to ...

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