Application: I can't see my devices on the map Answer:
To view vehicles on a map, select the vehicles to display from the menu located on the left side above the map. An option is ...
ELD, DVIR, IFTA: HOS / ELD Certification Statement Answer:
Geotab HOS Certificate “Geotab Drive” Solution
Geotab Inc. (“Geotab”) is the manufacturer of the “approved GO device” and the MyGeotabweb platform which, along with a connected ...
Application: Getting Started - Geotab GO Series Answer:
Click the link to download a .pdf which you can print and reference as you go through the setup process.
It is very important that you ...
Hardware: Getting Started Fleetistics LITE System Answer:
Click the link to download a .pdf which you can print and reference as you go through the setup process.
It is very important that you ...
MyFleetistics: Unable to login to MyFleetistics Answer:
If you are unable to login into your MyFleetistics account from the website, follow these steps. Only change your password in MyFleetistics, never in ...
Fleetistics IoT: Data Processing Service (IoT) API Answer:
The Fleetistics DPS-API provides unified access to the information reported by any device registered in your account. Devices of all manufacturers, type, configuration and device ...
DriveTrax: DriveTRAX and how to assign decals to vehicles Answer:
The Fleetistics DriveTRAX® program was developed to fill in the gaps where GPS tracking could no provide insight. Activiies such as distracted driving, littering or ...
MyFleetView: What is MyFleetView? Answer:
MyFleetView (MFV) is a value added service provided by Fleetistics that provides customers one-click access to the last reported location of their fleet. This link ...
Application: Dynamic vehicle maintenance reminder report Answer:
The Dynamic Vehicle Maintenance Reminder Report helps fleet managers stay informed on vehicle maintenance. This report is distributed via email when the date due, distance ...
Hardware: GO Device Issue Detection Report Answer:
The GO Device Issue Detection Report provides insight into the device related issues present in your vehicle fleet. It includes a breakdown of the devices ...