Application: Common Geotab Faults Explained Answer:
Common Fault Descriptions
GPS Quality Poor: Check the location of the device installation to see whether there are any heavy metal components or third party electronics ...
Hardware: GoTalk speaker for Geotab system Answer:
GoTalk adds a speaker to the Geotab GPS tracking platform to give the driver more specific feedback. Customers create the message to be read to ...
Application: Changing device names Answer:
How you change a device name depends on the GPS system you are using. Some functions are limited to users with the admin or supervisor ...
Hardware: What does inverting the Auxiliary do in Geotab? Answer:
When connecting an auxiliary line to a circuit using the Geotab auxiliary cable, you can read the default value or invert the value. Ensure auxillary ...
Application: Understanding the driver score report Answer:
The Basic Driver Score is one of MyGeotab's default dashboard reports and is provided as an example of how driver score cards can be generated. ...
Application: How is the fuel report calculated in Geotab? Answer:
There are several different methods that the GO device uses to calculate the fuel used from a vehicle and the method that is used depends ...
Application: Understanding Auxiliary / PTO configuration in Geotab Answer:
Open: Reads as neither a negative nor a positive, and has an infinite resistance.Negative: Reads as ground, and has a zero resistance to ground.Positive: Reads as 12 volts.
Specifications ...
Hardware: GPS and Pace Makers/Pacemakers Answer:
With respect to GPS modules, they are merely receivers operating at two low power radio signals (L1 – Civilian and L2-Military). The civilian frequency is ...