Replacing a GO device in Geotab

~ 0 min
2022-04-14 22:54

Geotab offers an option to replace a current device with another. This feature maintains all existing data such as trip histories, exceptions, engine data, ELD/Hour of Service data, and DVIR reports. If the instructions to not match your user interface, click the link below for legacy instructions.

To replace a device, a user must have the clearance "Administer devices" (delete/unplug/replace)

Administer devices enabled.
1. Click the Vehicles & Assets option in the left menu (figure 1).
2. Select the vehicle by clicking the vehicle name in the list.
3. Scroll to the center of the Asset tab and find the Replace with new device button (figure 2).
4. Click the Replace with new device button located under the device serial number field (figure 3). Once the button is clicked a new window is displayed.
5. Enter the serial number for the NEW device in the Serial Number field (figure 4).
6. Finally, click the OK button near the top of the window and the change is complete.

Select the instructions that match your user interface.  
Download Instructions 
Legacy Version Instructions

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