What are exceptions in Geotab?

~ 0 min
2021-10-27 19:54

Understanding where and when issues arise with fleet is made simple by establishing exception rules. When a vehicle event occurs which breaks a rule, an exception is recorded which can then optionally notify one or more people, alert the responsible driver in their vehicle, or simply log the event in your account. Fleet managers can at any time run reports and review the history of exceptions to understand the trending behaviors of their fleet.

Geotab offers a robust suite of built in exceptions separated into easy to understand categories. In addition to these, you can create an unlimited number of custom rules which combine different various conditions to suit your needs.

The types of built in exceptions available are available in three categories:

  1. Safety:
    Changes to driver behavior which increases accident risk such as harsh braking, seat belt use, speed violations, accident detection and more.
  2. Productivity:
    Driver measurements related to time spent performing specific actions such as excessive idling, late arrivals, early departures and more.
  3. Fleet:
    Responsive vehicle monitoring Engine issues, battery drain, tracking device tamper detection and more.
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