Fleet Stats 1 Report
- Period to be included in the report
- Today - Midnight to approximately the present time
- Previous 24 hours - Previous conscutive 24 hours from the current time
- Previous 3 days - Previous 3 consecutive days, excluding today, starting at 12:01 the first day
- Previous 7 days - Previous 7 consecutive days, excluding today, starting at 12:01 the first day
- Previous 21 days - Previous 21 consecutive days, excluding today, starting at 12:01 the first day
- This week - Current calendar week from Monday to current day
- This month - Current calendar month
- Last week - Last Monday - Sunday
- Last month - Last calendar month
- Custom - User defined date range
- Period comparison options
- Refresh the data after selection
- Changes the data displayed in the chart at the top
- Number of devices to display in the chart at the top
- Select the columns to be displayed in the table below
- Opens the options window below the chart
- Search the table by device name
- Sort the table by the data in the column
- Odometer as reported by the vehicle computer at the end of the time period selected. Not all devices or vehicles provide this.
- Distance traveled during the selected time period. This is based on the vehicle odometer if available. If not, GPS distance is used which will vary in accuracy based on many factors.
- Gallons of fuel used during the selected time period as reported by the vehicle.
- Fuel economy as reported by the vehicle. This is not available from all OBD devices, 3-wire installs or asset trackers.
- Idle time over 300 seconds (>5 minutes)
- Idle time under 300 seconds (<5 minutes)
- Engine hours (run + idle) as reported by the vehicle.