How much data is available monthly?

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2022-06-01 19:42

The default data plan is 500 MB per device, per month. You can exceed this without knowing which will result in overage fees. We highly recommend a data cap protection plan to avoid overages. There are several options which your account manager can review with you. It is very important to understand data conumption and to educate your employees so they do not consume needed data or create high overage fees. 

Three Types of Data Protection

  • Overall cap. This simply limits the monthly use to the plan you selected (500 MB default). You can use all this data in 1 day or over the data plan cycle. 
  • 50 MB per day. This limit your account to 50 MB of data usage per day. If you used 50 MB per day, you would be able to use the system for 10 days per data plan cycle. 50 MB x 10 days = 500 MB. 
  • 17 MB per day. This limit your account to 17 MB of data usage per day. If you used 17 MB per day, you would be able to use the system for 31 days per data plan cycle. 17 MB x 31 days = 500 MB.  
  • Data does not rollover to the next day or next month
  • If you have a special situation such as an accident, just contact Fleetistics support and the limits can be lifted until you communicate to reinstate them. It is best to make the request to remove and reinstate using a support case from your MyFleetistics account online. This documents the date, time and user for each request which protects you from overages due to miscomm

The data plan cycle begins on the 17th of each month and billing is done on a calendar month. 

Larger data plans are available if needed. Talk to your account manager to learn more.


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